One of the simplest and most effective things for you to observe is offered by Byron Katie. She asks, “Whose business is this? Is it mine, yours, or God’s?” Only three choices. Simple.
Notice when you are worrying or trying to control another person’s life choices. Do you have your own life in such perfect order that you can also take care of someone else’s?
But there are times when it doesn’t look so black and white. Maybe there are grey areas. Someone once posed the question to Francis Lucille. They said something like “when you are in a relationship, and something is bothering you, how do you know when it’s yours and when it’s theirs?” And the answer came that as long as you have an emotional charge, you have your own issues to tend to.
How do you tend to it? Contemplate and Meditate! Self study and residing in Presence will discharge the ego and bring wisdom.
I know that it is my business to say this is a good and valuable post. I have memorized it and will use it. Thanks!
How true! Nice sketches, too.
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