Oh my! Where has the week gone? It amazes me how time flies.
In addition to my usual yoga and meditations, I have numerous little disciplines going on in my life now. One is to do a sketch a day in my journal. To be honest, I’ve missed a few days already but I won’t let that stop me from sticking with it. I am doing it as a little meditation, of sorts. I love the one-pointed mind that has to take over in order for these little sketches to happen, and I want to be there more often.
I am focusing my sketches in different ways. In January, and maybe February, I’m drawing my stuff - things that I own, or things that I have around me daily.
Another discipline I’ve added to my day is to play piano. I have a Casio keyboard here and I’ve plugged into all the lessons that come with a macbook, and a few others I’ve found on the internet. The same mind set takes over when I sit down to practice. I think I’ll do a 30 minute practice session and two hours later, I’m looking at the clock in disbelief. Where has the time gone?
I like being in that timeless spacious mind. It feels so light and free, like being a child again. I’ve been out skiing nearly everyday this year, even in the sub-zero temperatures. Actually, it’s ski joring because my little dog is pulling me, sort of. Somedays, he decides we need a break so I take off my skis and lay down in the snowbank on the edge of the forest. Again, instantly, I feel a mind-shift to a much freer, more expansive state. I feel myself open to an entirely more alive and aware state, with less mind chatter and more simple sensations, like a crisp breath of fresh air, the cold hard ground beneath my body, and my face being kissed by snowflakes.
I have started a new page on my website: podcasts. Visit at smilingyogi.com for a meditation podcast. - more to come!