Sat means the ultimate truth, the unchangeable, completely undistorted, timeless truth that is beyond space and individuality. It refers to Truth as the infinite, all-pervading vastness that is the substance of your being. All actions, words, ideas and wisdom that take you closer to this truth are a part of the practice of Satya.
In her excellent book “The Zen of Listening”, Rebecca Shafir shared an interesting twist on the word compassion. She said “compassion does not mean pity or sympathy; it means getting a sense of the other person’s frustration. Com means “to connect with” and passion means “suffering”. True compassion begins with compassion for yourself. I have come to think of listening, deep listening, as a very direct path to yoga; a cut-to-the-chase direct path to self-realization. The state of meditation is one of listening without action: without a doer who is listening. It has been said that praying is when you talk to God and Meditation is when you listen. Practicing silence is a powerful way to begin the study of deep listening. Observing your own autopilot responses, the way you would be responding if you were not in silence, can be shocking and all-revealing. Remain the witness without getting critical and without censoring and you will be able to see more and more of your own opinions and judgments and how those “personal” thoughts get in the way of SAT. Truth is always present but it becomes obscured with our “take” on things.
I love the work of Byron Katie ( for finding your way to truth. She takes a whack-upside-the-head approach to recognizing how the mind colors events to make them fit with the story line and create all kinds of unnecessary suffering. Those interpretations hold us hostage to our story and block us from the liberation of SAT. Of your complaint, your statement of “truth” she instructs you to ask first, is that true? If your answer is yes, then her second question is “are you sure that your statement is 100% true?” She is asking you to look again to see how your “true” statements frequently are more or less subjective truths, meaning, what is true in your own mind, according to your interpretations, desires and past experience. A person has to be willing to see clearly and willing to lay down the sword and shield to do this kind of work. You have to be ready for honesty and humility at a level you may not have experienced before. It is very common for people to get defensive doing work with Byron Katie but if you are open and honest and willing to release your hold on a limited view, and willing to release a need to be “right”, then truth is revealed and it is so brilliant that you will want to throw your head back and laugh and cry at the same time. You will start to behave in strange ways, seeking out people who may find a hidden button for you and push that button so you can do “the work” and find that sweetness that comes with the release. Liberation is, well, it’s liberating!
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