Notice your words, everyday, every moment - what do you choose to speak about? What words do you use? Are you speaking about your troubles? Are you speaking of your fears, inadequacies or your lack? Are you telling others what is wrong with them? Are you jabbing at the, cutting and criticizing them? Right now, you can turn that around. Don't feed your investments in unhappiness any longer. Simply notice that its there and don't give it any more of your awareness or attention. And certainly don't feed it by dwelling there. Notice it and then look around and notice everything else as well.
Actually, notice as many different things as you can. Let your field of vision and awareness expand. For example, if you are angry about something that just happened, notice what your mind makes it mean, or how the event is interpreted. Then notice how your body responds, and notice your breath. Then notice the sounds in and around the room you are in. Feel the energy of the area you are in, the village, state, country, planet, cosmos... and so on.
The field of vision tends to narrow around the things we give the most attention to. If you insist on obsessing over a wrong done to you or something you said that you now regret you only serve to bind yourself tighter with the ropes of unhappiness. I call that a contraction. When you release your desire to dwell there and willingly open to awareness, I call that expansion of consciousness. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the freer and lighter and more joyful you become.
When I look around myself and realize that all I see are all the things that are wrong with others and situations, and I feel grumbly and judgmental and critical about the world or about myself, I know I am in a contracted state and before I make any quick decisions, I need to get quiet and free myself up from all the thinking that holds me hostage. I sit still and quiet. Anyone can benefit from time outs, in the same way a child does when sent to his room after a temper tantrum. You don't have to wait until you feel contracted to benefit. Actually a regular dose is the best medicine for the world.