Tuesday, November 13, 2007

10-24-07 Montana

No agenda, no appointments, no busy-ness, no music, radio or TV, no computer, no to-do list, no assignments or deadlines, no pressure; just these wide-open spaces. Just this monent - poised on the end of the last warm day of the year for Northeast Montana. The almost-full moon rose, transparent, with the October sun still well up in the sky. As the sun set the horizon below the moon turned deep blue and pink and the moon shone brightly. What a luxury it is to watch the day turn to night. What a luxury to sit quietly as the mind twitters on, wind blowing dried leaves across the yard. The living is very simple. No room here for clutter. The wide open landscape instills such a spacious calmness in me. What's inside shows on the outside. What's outside also vibes with what's inside. I'm sure as with everything, its what we do with it. People living in wide open spaces are not necessarily spacious inside. They fill up just like everyone else everywhere else. Busyness, importance, purpose and meaning - gotta have a plan. For me, it feels like this pause, this openness, is an invitation to slow down and drink in the simple beauty of emptiness, silence, stillness. It feels like I am poised between two seasons of my life, two episodes. Between the Yoga Studio episode and what comes next. It feels like a precious gift and an ultimate indulgence - a real luxury. Isn't that ironic? Doing nothing, having nothing, wanting nothing; an indulgence. A sunset, a moonrise, an empty landscape; a luxury.

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